● 聯(lián)系我們
電話:021-64182526 64280558
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1、用于演練乙狀結(jié)腸鏡的檢查手法和影像技術 2、各部分完整,包含乙狀結(jié)腸、結(jié)腸脾曲、肝曲、盲腸及闌尾 3、結(jié)腸內(nèi)部提供有蒂的、無蒂的、增生型息肉以及結(jié)腸癌等12種病變 As the scope follows the contours of the large intestine, the student must negotiate the sigmoid colon, splenic flexure, and hepatic flexure before viewing the internal structure of the ascending colon and cecum. As the flexible sigmoidoscope is withdrawn, the student can identify benign sessile, pedunculated and hyperplastic polyps, as well as cancerous lesions. There are a total of 12 pathological conditions to diagnose. All manipulative and photographic techniques can also be practiced. Originally produced exclusively for ACMI, this simulator has been used for physician training nationwide. Life/form? Sigmoidoscopic Examination Simulator is available on a solid oak stand complete with lubricant, instruction guide, and hard carrying case. Three-year warranty. Size: 26" x 19" x 7".made in qishu.
友情提示: 您只要致電:021-64182526 我們可以幫您推薦符合您要求的進口乙狀結(jié)腸鏡檢查模型-美國納斯LF01084U相關產(chǎn)品!
總部地址:上海市徐匯區(qū)肇嘉浜路688號A座18樓 電話:021-64182526 / 64280558 郵箱:[email protected]
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